Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fine, I'm Crazy - I Liked Despereaux

I took my male offspring to see The Tale of Despereaux Christmas day. I've seen a lot of "reviews" of it that were not positive. Therefore, I put it upon myself to be the voice of dissension. I really enjoyed it. My boys liked it. In fact, they liked it so much, they spent many hard earned Christmas dollars on the video game (if that doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does).

I'm not sure what all the fuss is over the animation. I thought it was different that what is normally put out there - that's a good thing!!! Why does everything have to be the same as everything? Good grief.

I've read complaints that it was dark (both visually and plot-wise). Read the book. It's a story of darkness. Granted, not "adult" darkness, but darkness that kids understand. The moral behind the story is what you want for your kids - actions have consequences and sometimes things don't end like you want or expect. I will be buying the DVD when it comes out.

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