Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ed Schultz is a Complete Tool

Actually, that's not fair to tools. Most tools have a use. Ed, however, does not. First, a couple quotes from BIG Ed.
Now if you watch Limbaugh with the sound down, the drugster, he looks like Adolf Hitler!
Liberals are so totally predictable. Bloviating without any knowledge. "I didn't listen to Rush, but (fill in the blank)." Amazing that he would admit this on the air. Well, nobody listens so I guess he thought he was safe.
Am I jealous? Every talk show host is sitting here saying we'd love to have that. C'mon! We're radio, we're in radio, we have egos.
A little background on the ever-expanding Ed. Back in the the early 90's, he was just a local talk show host, still out of Fargo, ND (yes I lived there at the time). He came on before Rush and was actually kinda interesting. He had a conservative tilt, but loved to stir the pot. If you listened to him long enough, it wasn't hard to tell that large-and-in-charge Ed's goal was to be Rush Limbaugh. It was an ongoing joke with the locals that listened. We called him "baby Rush". He went so far as to very closely copy Rush's format, down the the network. Instead of the EIB network, mega Ed had the FIB (freedom in broadcasting) network.

Now, after all these years, he finally admits his jealousy of Rush and his success. I wonder if Ed gets the leg tingle, too. He and Ms. Matthews should meet somewhere in Moorhead and compare tingles. And, yes, Moorhead's a real town right next to Fargo.

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