Monday, October 27, 2008

Stephanopoulos is a Shill? No Way!

How can any news organization hire someone like Stephanopoulos and even try to pass themselves off as neutral? This is a former Clinton insider and defender. Not surprisingly, he scored every debate for the messiah and even had the gall to consider Biden the winner of Mrs. Palin. Then, this morning on GMA, he has the gall to state that Mrs. Palin is a drag on the McCain campaign, but Biden has been great. When is the last time anyone heard from Biden? Is he still around? Anyone? Mrs. Palin a drag on the campaign. Tell us what you really think, Steffy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

$150,000 Wardrobe? At Least They Paid

O, good. Another "controversy". All I have to say is this: Mrs. Palin looks fantastic all the time, and that's fine by me. At least the RNC is paying for the clothes as opposed to having them all illegally donated like some other party with the initials D-N-C. Hillary pantsuits anyone? When is the last time she paid for one of those sweet things? Her Bee Movie suit should be in a hall of fame somewhere.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fridays Are Funny

If you've never felt like doing this at work, then you are lucky. Mild profanity warning.

Have an adequate weekend.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Fridays Are Funny

I'll have the spam, egg, sausage and spam, please.

Have an adequate weekend.