Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Obama's Victory Spurs Gun Sales

That is the actual, priceless, front page headline in my local birdcage liner. This is too much for many reasons, as I'm sure that you can guess.

Those of us intelligent enough to read between the lines, know the true meaning of the headline. The messiah will try to take our guns away. Let's review his words from the campaign.
"If you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it,’’ Obama said. But the Illinois senator could still see skeptics in the crowd, particularly on the faces of several men at the back of the room.
So he tried again. “Even if I want to take them away, I don’t have the votes in Congress,’’ he said.
I'm sorry, but the last sentence is the key. Sounds to me like he's tipping his hand there. He's already figured out that he doesn't have the votes. If you love your guns, but still voted for "hope and change", you deserve to lose your guns.

The next way to take the headline, there are those of us worried about the messiah's plan to "spread the wealth" that Joke Biden laid out so well. Come on, Biden. I dare you to man up and come to my house and take my wealth. Do it!!

The last way, which may land me in jail for even mentioning, I won't mention. Except to say there is one big hunting trip planned by people who shouldn't be hunting.

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