Friday, August 29, 2008

Babies, Guns, Jesus. Hot Damn!

By now you've heard about Sarah Palin. I, along with many of you, have felt like John McCain was going to be the lesser of two evils come November. But, there is a ray of hope! Enter Mrs. Palin! Maybe McCain has finally seen the light. In the last month, he's talking about drilling, continued to stay strong on pro-life and rejected the calls from the moron media to pick a liberal running mate.

So what does he do? Does what's good for his party! Wow, what a move. Mrs. Palin is pro-life (has 5 children, the youngest of which has Down's Syndrome), a hunter and doesn't take crap from anyone. Plus, she knows her sports! I can't wait to see her slap-down that blowhard Biden in the debates. Who cares about McCain vs. the messiah! Bring on Mrs. Palin, our next Vice President!!

The best part is the timing. Talking about stealing any "thunder" from the messiah! What a brilliant decision to do it Friday morning.

How can you not vote for a conservative woman who's nickname is Barracuda? At least she's not a lawyer! Or your ex-wife!

Disclaimer: I stole the title for this post from Rush!

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