Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Plot Sickens

It's always a good thing to know that one is not truly paranoid. I ran into a coach from another league at work and we were talking about the upcoming season. I told him about our socialistic approach to the upcoming season and he almost shouted, "They can't do that!" We talked about it some more and it got me to thinking (danger, danger!!!!). I did some research on the subject and, while I can't prove it with ironclad certainty, it looks like the coach may be right.

So, I called the other member of the LL board that I know doesn't hold any grudges about whatever happened last year. I told him my thoughts and he agreed that it all seemed a bit off. He's going to look into it and see what can be done. I ran a lot of ideas around this fertile playground I call my brain and realized that there are probably only two kids returning that were capable pitchers. One I already have and I may get the second one because he wants to play on my team and his dad can probably make that happen.

Over the weekend, I revamped my son's pitching mechanics and he's now quite good. Plus, I can probably talk my neighbors into moving their son up and he needs a little work but throws hard. So, if my scheming hard work and dedication pays off, I'll end up with the four best pitchers in the league. That's right, the Hammer is on the loose! Don't piss me off!!!

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