Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sotomayor Must Be Opposed

I think that it is a statement of where the Republican party is when Republicans are afraid of voting against someone because they might make some group mad. I don't know about you, but I've stopped referring to myself a Republican and, instead, refer to myself as a Conservative. The fear of opposing someone based on race or sex or how we'll be thought of is a joke. Three reasons she should be opposed:
  • This brilliant quote: "...Court of Appeals is where policy is made..." That alone should disqualify her.
  • She's been reversed 60% of the time. For those of you in the public school system, that's a 40% success rate. Last time I checked, that's a freaking joke.
  • Another quote: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." Isn't liberty supposed to be blind? What difference does sex or race make? Liberals keep telling us that we are the ones focused on race and sex, yet we're not the ones making a huge deal of it (Condi Rice, Miguel Estrada, Alberto Gonzales, General Powell before he went to the dark side. All minorities that were castigated by liberals.).
When we start placating to liberal ideas, we have lost. We are losing. There are a lot of people in Washington with an "R" by their name that are in big trouble if they don't man up and do what we voted for.

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